cookin’ with kay

nokay cartoons vol II: kay is in the kitchen

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: mashed potatoes

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: shokupan

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: shokupan

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: shokupan - japanese milk bread

recipe: can’t remember. it was so bad, i blocked it from memory

recipe: can’t remember. it was so bad, i blocked it from memory

recipe: tangzhong method for shokupan

recipe: tangzhong method for shokupan

recipe: n/a for this day

recipe: n/a for this day

recipe: garlic naan

recipe: garlic naan

recipe: chinese stir-fry sauce (charlie)

recipe: chinese stir-fry sauce (charlie)

recipe: nope, this was so bad, you don’t get a link

recipe: nope, this was so bad, you don’t get a link